This image shows Alina Schmitz-Hübsch

Alina Schmitz-Hübsch


Research Assistant in the IKILeUS project | Doctoral Researcher focusing on affect-adaptive systems
Teaching and Learning with Intelligent Systems


Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 24D
70174 Stuttgart
Room: 3.348


07/2021 - present

Doctoral Program "Simulation Science"

Supervisor: Jun.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Maria Wirzberger, University of Stuttgart

Topic: Affect-Adaptive Systems

10/2017 - 11/2019

M.Sc. in Psychology

University of Bonn

08/2015 - 06/2016

Exchange student

University of Texas at Austin, USA

10/2013 - 03/2017

B.Sc. in Psychology

University of Freiburg

Work Experience

12/2019 - present

Research Fellow

Fraunhofer-Institute for Communication, Information Processing and Ergonomics FKIE, Human Machine Systems

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