Institute of Educational Science

Information on the institute structure as well as the four chairs (departments).

The Institute of Educational Science is made up of the following departments: (1) Department of Vocational Education focused on Teaching Technology, (2) Department of Vocational, Economical and Technical Education, (3) Department of Education and (4) Department of Teaching and Learning with Intelligent Systems. The institute holds responsibility for teacher education (upper secondary and vocational schools) and degrees in vocational and technical education.

Department of Vocational Education focused on Teaching Technology (BPT)

The Department of Vocational Education focused on Teaching Technology (BPT) offers classes for the students in Technical and Vocational Education programs and supervises students with the study goal science and technology (NwT). The research work covers a broad spectrum of activities, from teaching and learning research, competence research as well as intervention research in technical and scientific domains to virtual reality and augmented reality in Education.

Further information can be obtained directly from the department's web pages.


Department of Vocational, Economical and Technical Education (BWT)

The Department of Vocational, Economical and Technical Education (BWT) offers classes in educational science for students enrolled in Technical and Vocational Education programs. Research covers a wide range of areas such as general teaching and learning processes, effects of classroom interventions, approaches to competence modelling, and questions of didactics of vocational education.


Department of Education

The Department of Education offers classes in educational science for all students preparing for teaching in upper secondary schools. Subject-specific courses are provided by the respective subject areas. Research in the department is aimed at exploring quality of teacher education, special challenges for future teachers, and the use of large-scale assessment results at school and classroom level.

Further information can be obtained directly from the department's web pages.

Department of Education

Department of Teaching and Learning with Intelligent Systems (LLiS)

The Department of Teaching and Learning with Intelligent Systems (LLiS) offers classes in educational science for teaching qualification and is responsible for course offers in computer science education as well as professional qualifications in computer science programs.

Research in the department targets the development of user-centered intelligent assistive technologies. Ongoing projects deal with topics such as cognitive load assessment, modeling and prediction, mechanisms underneath distraction, resumption, and attention control, the development of adaptive tutoring systems for safety-critical environments and programming education, technology-supported awareness for sustainable development, individual differences in human-computer interaction, and the critical reflection on potential implications of intelligent systems on society.

More information is available on the German website of the institute and websites of the individual departments.


Department Heads at the Institute of Educational Science

Professor for Teaching and Learning with Intelligent Systems | Spokesperson of the Stuttgart Research Focus IRIS | Co-Director of the AI Software Academy
Dean of study affairs for Vocational Education and Technology Education, Dean of study affairs for Teaching Naturwissenschaft und Technik (NwT)
Dekanin der Fakultät Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
Prüfungsausschussvorsitzende M.A. Berufspädagogik und Personalentwicklung

Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft
Abteilung Berufs-, Wirtschafts- und Technikpädagogik
Professur für Berufspädagogik
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