
LLiS Publications


  1. 2024

    1. Zermiani, F., Dhar, P., Sood, E., Kögel, F., Bulling, A., & Wirzberger, M. (2024). InteRead: An Eye Tracking Dataset of Interrupted Reading. Proc. 31st Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING), 1--16.
    2. Wirzberger, M., Lado, A., Prentice, M., Oreshnikov, I., Passy, J.-C., Stock, A., & Lieder, F. (2024). Optimal feedback improves behavioral focus during self-regulated computer-based work. Scientific Reports, 14(1), Article 1.
    3. Stock, O., & Wirzberger, M. (2024). BeeLife – Wildbienen auf dem Weg ins Klassenzimmer. In M. Davis & L.-K. Peter (Eds.), NaturschutzDigital 2023 – Innovative Digitalformate in der Naturschutzbildung. Bundesamt für Naturschutz.
    4. Schmitz-Hübsch, A., Becker, R., & Wirzberger, M. (2024). Emotion-performance relationship in safety-critical human-machine systems. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 13, 100364.
    5. Schmitz-Hübsch, A., Gruber, M. E., Diaz, Y., Wirzberger, M., & Hancock, P. A. (2024). Towards enhanced performance: an integrated framework of emotional valence, arousal, and task demand. Ergonomics, 1–14.
    6. Zermiani, F., Dhar, P., Strohm, F., Baumbach, S., Bulling, A., & Wirzberger, M. (2024). Individual differences in visuo-spatial working memory capacity and prior knowledge during interrupted reading. Frontiers in Cognition, 3.
    7. Wirzberger, M., Bareiß, L., Herbst, V., Stock, A., & Kembitzky, J. (2024). Performance Expectancy Benefits Acceptance Towards Digital Self-Control Support. In SSRN.
    8. Koch, N. N., Kapfenstein, A.-K., Meißner, N., & Wirzberger, M. (2024). Enhanced Code Comprehension: Individualized Learning of Code Tracing with the Feedback Buddy.
    9. Stock, A., Stock, O., Mönch, J., Suren, M., Koch, N. N., Rey, G. D., & Wirzberger, M. (2024). BeeLife: a mobile application to foster environmental awareness in classroom settings. Frontiers in Computer Science, 5.
    10. Berberena, T., & Wirzberger, M. (2024). The Impact of User Momentary Emotional State on Trust in a Faulty Chatbot. In SSRN.
  2. 2023

    1. Gado, S., Lingelbach, K., Wirzberger, M., & Vukelić, M. (2023). Decoding Mental Effort in a Quasi-Realistic Scenario: A Feasibility Study on Multimodal Data Fusion and Classification. Sensors, 23(14), Article 14.
    2. Becker, F., Wirzberger, M., Pammer-Schindler, V., Srinivas, S., & Lieder, F. (2023). Systematic metacognitive reflection helps people discover far-sighted decision strategies: A process-tracing experiment. Judgment and Decision Making, 18, e15--. 10.1017/jdm.2023.16
    3. Höpfl, L., & Wirzberger, M. (2023). Understanding cognition of laundry habits to foster sustainable behavior. In M. Goldwater, F. K. Anggoro, B. K. Hayes, & D. C. Ong (Eds.), Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (p. 3954). Cognitive Science Society.
    4. Ðula, I., Berberena, T., Keplinger, K., & Wirzberger, M. (2023). Hooked on artificial agents: a systems thinking perspective. Frontiers in Behavioral Economics, 2, 1223281.
    5. Williams, C. C., Weinhardt, D., & Musslick, S. (2023). Enhancing EEG Classification Performance through Generative Adversarial Networks: Investigating the Impact of Sample Sizes and Classifier Selection. International Conference on Data-Integrated Simulation Science (SimTech2023).
    6. Schmitz-Hübsch, A., Becker, R., & Wirzberger, M. (2023). Personality Traits in the Emotion-Performance-Relationship in Intelligent Tutoring Systems. In Adaptive Instructional Systems. HCII 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (pp. 60–75). Springer.
    7. Bareiß, L., Platz, F., & Wirzberger, M. (2023). Implicit assumptions of (prospective) music school teachers about musically gifted students. Social Psychology of Education, 27(3), Article 3.
    8. Lingelbach, K., Gado, S., Wirzberger, M., & Vukelic, M. (2023). Workload-dependent hemispheric asymmetries during the emotion-cognition interaction: a close-to-naturalistic fNIRS study. Frontiers in Neuroergonomics, 4, 1273810.
    9. Williams, C. C., Weinhardt, D., Wirzberger, M., & Musslick, S. (2023). Augmenting EEG with generative adversarial networks enhances brain decoding across classifiers and sample sizes. In M. Goldwater, F. K. Anggoro, B. K. Hayes, & D. C. Ong (Eds.), Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1770–1776). Cognitive Science Society.
    10. Herbst, V., Stock, A., Bareiß, L., & Wirzberger, M. (2023). User’s acceptance of an AI-based software to promote attention control. In M. Goldwater, F. K. Anggoro, B. K. Hayes, & D. C. Ong (Eds.), Proceedings of the 45th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (p. 3911). Cognitive Science Society.
  3. 2022

    1. Mönch, J., Stock, A., Baatz, J., Krieglstein, F., Stock, O., Suren, M., Rey, G. D., & Wirzberger, M. (2022). “Wild sisters” meet app: Connecting virtual and real worlds to foster environmental awareness in classroom settings.
    2. Schmitz-Hübsch, A., Stasch, S.-M., Becker, R., Fuchs, S., & Wirzberger, M. (2022). Affective response categories – Towards personalized reactions in affect-adaptive tutoring systems. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence.
    3. Wirzberger, M., Lado, A., Scheiger, C., Stock, A., & Zermiani, F. (2022). Augmented learning contexts: Leveraging augmented technologies to foster self-regulation in everyday life.
    4. Zermiani, F., Bulling, A., & Wirzberger, M. (2022). Mind wandering trait-level tendencies during lecture viewing: A pilot study. 2022 Symposium on Eye Tracking Research and Applications (ETRA ’22), June 8–11, 2022, Seattle, WA, USA.
    5. Wirzberger, M., Scharinger, C., & Ninaus, M. (2022). Augmented learning – An emerging field in instructional research? 52. Kongress Der Deutschen Gesellschaft Für Psychologie : Abstracts.
    6. Prislan, L., & Wirzberger, M. (2022). Exploring cognitive pathways to sustainability – development and validation of personas for sustainable behavior. In J. Culbertson, A. Perfors, H. Rabagliati, & V. Ramenzoni (Eds.), Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society.
    7. Schmitz-Hübsch, A., Stasch, S.-M., Becker, R., Fuchs, S., & Wirzberger, M. (2022). Affective Response Categories-Toward Personalized Reactions in Affect-Adaptive Tutoring Systems. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, 5, 873056.
    8. Berberena, T., & Wirzberger, M. (2022). Embedding reflective learning opportunities in teaching about intelligent systems. In G. Lapesa, L. Erhard, C. Runstedler, & S. Kaiser (Eds.), Reflection on intelligent systems: Towards a cross-disciplinary definition.
  4. 2021

    1. Wirzberger, M. (2021). Warum Lernen (manchmal mehr, manchmal weniger) anstrengend ist. Das In-Mind Magazin, 1.
    2. Wirzberger, M. (2021). ACTrain@School: Can we bring AI to the classroom to foster self-regulated learning? EARLI 2021 - Online.
    3. Spitzer, M. W. H., Gutsfeld, R., Wirzberger, M., & Moeller, K. (2021). Evaluating students’ engagement with an online learning environment during and after COVID-19 related school closures: A survival analysis approach. Trends in Neuroscience and Education, 25, 100168.
    4. Wirzberger, M., Bornemeier, J., Kampel, S., Álvarez Serrano, M. G., Ullmann, L., & Rey, G. D. (2021). Umwelt trifft App: Verbindung virtueller und realer Welten in der Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung – Kurzbericht. Umweltpsychologie, 1, 123–132.
    5. Berberena, T., & Wirzberger, M. (2021). Unveiling unconscious biases and stereotypes in students: The necessity of self-reflection in Higher Education. In T. Fitch, C. Lamm, H. Leder, & K. Teßmar-Raible (Eds.), Proceedings of the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society.
    6. Wirzberger, M., & Schwarz, M. (2021). Förderung selbstregulierten Lernens durch ein KI-gestütztes Training. Bildung Und Erziehung, 74, 280–295.
    7. Berberena, T., & Wirzberger, M. (2021). Bringing Thiagi to the classroom: Reducing stereotype-threat by promoting reflection in CRT. EARLI 2021 - Online.
  5. 2020

    1. Wirzberger, M., Oreshnikov, I., Passy, J.-C., Lado, A., Shenhav, A., & Lieder, F. (2020). ACTrain: Ein KI-basiertes Aufmerksamkeitstraining für die Wissensarbeit. In M. Rötting & L. Onnasch (Eds.), Digitale Arbeit, digitaler Wandel, digitaler Mensch?. 66. Kongress der Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft (p. C.8.8). Gesellschaft für Arbeitswissenschaft e.V.
    2. Wirzberger, M., Borst, J. P., Krems, J. F., & Rey, G. D. (2020). Memory-related cognitive load effects in an interrupted learning task: A model-based explanation. Trends in Neuroscience and Education, 100139.
    3. Musslick, S., Wirzberger, M., Grahek, I., Bustamante, L., Shenhav, A., & Cohen, J. D. (2020). Mental effort: One construct, many faces? In S. Denison, M. Mack, Y. Xu, & B. C. Armstrong (Eds.), Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 1–2). Cognitive Science Society.
    4. Wirzberger, M., Lado, A., Eckerstorfer, L., Oreshnikov, I., Passy, J.-C., Stock, A., Shenhav, A., & Lieder, F. (2020). How to navigate everyday distractions: Leveraging optimal feedback to train attention control. In S. Denison, M. Mack, Y. Xu, & B. C. Armstrong (Eds.), Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (p. 1736). Cognitive Science Society.
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