Habilitation project:
Title: Mapping student achievement in Kosovo and Albania: An analysis of indicator reliability in capturing school belonging and socioeconomic standing and the impact of school-instruction indicators on achievement in PISA and TIMSS Scale
Short description: The goal of this habilitation research is to answer two main research questions divided into two analyses. The first research question aims to analyze TIMSS and PISA scales used to measure socioeconomic status and school belonging. More specifically, to explore the indicator reliability for developing countries in the case Kosovo and Albania. While considerable research output is available for issues of equity and socioeconomic background on one hand and students’ achievement on the other, there are at this point no studies exploring the reliability of indicators. With this in mind, this research aims to regroup questions and develop new and reduced scales that have higher validity and explanation value. The second analysis will focus on exploring the impact of well-documented predictors of achievement with the main goal of understanding if the same trajectory of impact can be documented in the case of Kosovo and Albania. More specifically, this research will explore if school characteristics and school resources have the same impact on achievement across assessment programs and countries. Secondly, this analysis will also explore the differences between countries in teaching approaches and how the latter shape achievement. In conclusion, this habilitation research will create a relevant knowledge base that will guide evidence-based teaching practices in both Kosovo and Albania.
- Shala, A., & Grajcevci, A. (2023). Kosovar Students’ Performance in the 2019 TIMSS Assessment: Why School and Home Resources Drive Achievement? International Journal of Educational Reform.
- Shala, A. & Grajcevci. A. (2023). ICT and Internet Usage among Kosovar Students: The impact of trends on achievement in PISA Scales. Journal of Learning for Development.
- Shala, A. & Grajcevci, A. (2021). Do teacher characteristics matter? Findings from the PISA performance of Kosovar students. International Journal of Management in Education.
- Shala, A., & Grajcevci, A. (2021). A Review of Kosovo’s 2015 PISA Results: Analysing the Impact of Teacher Characteristics in Student Achievement. International Journal of Instruction.
- Shala, A., Latifi, F., & Grajcevci, A. (2021). Does socioeconomic status influence achievement? An analyses of the performance of Kosovar students in the 2015 and 2018 PISA assessment. Journal of Elementary Education.
- Shala, A., Latifi, F., & Grajcevci, A. (2020). Exploring Achievement goals tendencies in students: The link between achievement goals and types of motivation. Journal of Education Culture and Society.
- Shala, A. & Grajcevci, A. (2019). A study of research skills of Kosovar students: An assessment of the influence of inclusion, exclusion, ethnicity, parental education and gender. Journal of Education Culture and Society.
- Shala, A., & Grajcevci, A. (2018). Examining the Role of Socioeconomic Status, Formal and Informal Education on Political Interest Level among University Students. Politics & Policy.
- Shala, A., & Baliqi, B. (2018). Leadership Development among Universities in Kosovo: Challenges and Alternatives. Comparative Professional Pedagogy 8(3), pp. 49-56.
- Shala, A. and Grajcevci, A. (2018). Kosovo’s Low Performance in PISA 2015: An Explanation From a Socioeconomic Perspective. Educational Process: International Journal. doi: 10.22521/edupij.2018.71.4 3 / 5
- Shala, A. and Grajcevci, A. (2017). Digital competencies among students populations in Kosovo: the impact of inclusion, socioeconomic status, ethnicity and type of residence.
- Grajcevci, A. & Shala, A. (2017). Investigating the link between achievement goals, motivation and parent expectations in university students in Kosovo. Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 7(4).
- Grajcevci, A. and Shala, A. (2016). Formal and Non-Formal Education in the New Era. Action Researcher in Education.
- Shala, A. and Grajcevci, A. (2017). The Relation between Socioeconomic Status (SES) and Early Development: Empirical Findings and Theoretical Perspectives. Socioeconomica, pp. 309-329
CV Milestones:
Guest professor at the University for Continuing Education Krems Austria Center for Transdisciplinary Continuing Education Research Conduct short-term teaching and research functions in the field of social sciences |
Professor at AAB College, Fushe Kosove, Republic of Kosovo Teach at the Faculty of Social Sciences in the Preschool Education BA program. |
Project Lead for the project Setup a Learning-along-lifespan Community APPEAR Project `Setup a Learning-along-lifespan Community Center` in Pristina: Researched based early childhood education with living labs across vertical and horizontal borders" Partner Institution Danube University Krems |
PhD in Education from Ludwig Maximilians University, Munchen, Germany Thesis: Development Prospects for Kosovo: A Measurement of 21st Century Skills and Political Socialization Trends among Student Populations in Kosovo as Impact Factors |
MA in Education from University of Derby, Derby, United Kingdom Thesis: The impact of teacher characteristics on student achievement: The role of attributes, beliefs, and self-efficacy |